I've recorded 52 albums over the years and this is the one I'm most proud of and excited about. It's the only project of 100% original material. Written and sung from my heart to yours—these mele are for you, my friends, my ‘ohana.
He Mana‘o Aloha
My Album "MINE"
My Journey
It took a while for this new musical project of MINE to come to fruition. No one fought it more than myself. Hawaiian music is so different now! Is it better to just let it lie? Are there still folks who want new music from me? With push and positive support from loved ones and with steady determination on my part, it’s here.
The Mele
But for two mele on this project of MINE, I wrote all the songs. Most are Hawaiian songs, some are Hapa Haole and two are in English. I recorded each with great trepidation but when I heard the final product, simple in it’s form, generous in it’s inclusiveness and beautiful as well as important for this time, I am proud of it.
From My Na‘au
Now more the ever, time is of the essence. I take it now to acknowledge gratefully, the kindness, love, and support I’ve received these many years. To believe I did this on my own would be a joke, a travesty and totally inane. Therefore, I share this success of MINE with all of you.